A downloadable game for Windows
One day,in a land known as "Invertuba" the Devil Dragon launched an attack!The creatures that inhabited Invertuba were no match for his minions! The DevilDragon cast a spell that placed mazes everywhere to stop anyone from attemptingto stop him! Invertuba needs a hero before it is too late! That hero is you!Venture into the land of Invertuba in the form as an arachnid. Travel throughthe mazes and avoid the monsters, but if that isn't challenging enough thenthere are quizzes the Devil Dragon scattered about and you need to answer thequestions correctly using the knowledge you find in the mazes! There arecountless mazes for you to explore! Can you explore them all? And can you saveInvertuba? This game features over 40 mazes filled with challenges and fun!Increase your knowledge on arachnids with the quizzes at the end of each world.Discover knowledge in the levels that you then use in the quizzes! Play as aSpider or a Scorpion! Amazing music and graphics by Enterbrain! All profits goto Bishop Heber High School!
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Scrolldown if you want to skip the minimum hardwarerequirements.
System Requirements
Minimum Specs:
- CPU Cores: Single Core
- Minimum RAM: 1 GB
- DirectX Version: 9.0
- Graphics Card RAM: 1 GB
- Graphics Card: 8.0a
- Graphics Card Shader Model: 1.0
- Sound Card: Required
- CPU Speed: 1.0 GHZ
- Operating System: Windows XP (32/64-bit). Windows Vista (32/64-bit). Windows 7 (32/64-bit). Windows 8 (32/64-bit). Windows 8.1 (32/64-bit)
HUNT! is(C) MCOD1999 2013!
Hello internet! While I create a downloadable manual for HUNT! use this tolearn the controls.
Up arrow: Move up
Down arrow: Move down
Left arrow: Move left
Right arrow: Move right
Space: Interact with objects, creatures, boats, ships and airships
Move to a wooden panel or an empty space at the edge of a maze to warp to theworld map. On the world map walk to a wooden slab to warp into a maze.
Avoid any moving creatures in the mazes and talk to idle creatures to learnsome information.
Use the arrows to scroll menus and quiz choices and press space to select theselected one. Also use space to move on in the text dialog.
To save simply talk to a creature on the world map which asks you to save.(There are a total of 16 save slots)
If you need any help please contact maxod@btinternet.com
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